BID St Andrews
12 May 2023
Road Closures in place 22/05 - 27/05
Fife Council have announced a new set of Temporary Overnight Road Closures in North Haugh from A91 Petheram Bridge roundabout to the mini roundabout at Petheram Bridge Car Park access road. They have provided alternative routes for vehicular traffic via Links Crescent, City Road, Doubledykes ROad and Petheram Bridge Car Parks A & B access road, and vice versa.
22/05/2023 19:00 - 23/05/2023 06:00
23/05/2023 19:00 - 24/05/2023 06:00
24/05/2023 19:00 - 25/05/2023 06:00
25/05/2023 19:00 - 26/05/2023 06:00
26/05/2023 19:00 - 27/05/2023 06:00
(or until earlier completion of works)
This is to allow a new drainage system to be carried out by Realm Construction. You can find the contact information for them and the official notice on the Fife Council website.